If you wish to create graphic organizers electronically, here are some options:
General Information about Graphic Organizers
Kidspiration is designed for elementary students. The graphics and interface are great for kids at the primary and intermediate level.
Learn More about Kidspiration
Sample Lesson Plans
Inspiration is designed for secondary students. It includes the ability to switch from diagram to outline view, and to export your documents into MS Word and Powerpoint. You can also save your graphics as .gif files, and place them on Web pages or other documents.
Learn More about Inspiration
Sample Lesson Plans
Curriculum Integration
Using Inspiration with Interwrite pads!
Gliffy.com is a Web site that allows you to collaborate and share graphic organizers. It works like a Wiki in that multiple people can contribute and you can track the history of the document. It can easily be imbeded in a Blog or Wiki.
Interwrite Workspace
You can also use the tools in Interwrite Workspace to create graphic organizers. The advantage is you are freed up to move around the room and students can contribute.
We recently discovered that their is a free upgrade for using your Interwrite pad with Inspiration. If you are interested in trying this out, let Mike or Molly know and we'll help install it.
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